Finally, An Introduction: The Story Behind This Blog and What’s Next

Personal Projects
In this post, I finally take the time to properly introduce my blog, explain its purpose, and share why I’ve been away for the past few months. It’s a fresh start and an exciting journey ahead!
Date de publication

23 août 2024


23 août 2024

What Happened Indeed? 🤔

Alright, let’s be real. Life happened, right? 😅 I took some time to wrap up a few things in my life and, honestly, to kickstart a new chapter. You know that feeling when you finish one thing and feel like a whole new world opens up? Yeah, that’s where I’m at! 🌟

Plus, it was the end of the school session, and I needed some well-deserved downtime. Relaxing, de-stressing, and just enjoying life for a bit. But guess what? Now I’m back, energized, and ready to take on the world! 🌍✨

I’ve realized how much I’ve already accomplished, and let me tell you, I’m super grateful for all of it. 🙏 But I also see how much more there is to do. My blog, my job, my personal life – they all need my attention, and I’m ready to dive in.

The possibilities ahead? Endless. I’m seizing every opportunity coming my way, and I can’t wait to share the journey with you! 🚀

What’s Next? 🎉

First off, a huge shoutout to my brothers and my family. Without them, I wouldn’t be here doing what I love. You guys are the real MVPs! 💪

Now, onto me. I’m committed to working on myself, becoming the best version of me. I’m just getting started on my journey, my career, my dreams – and I’m 100% ready to make them a reality. Let’s do this! 🙌

The Reason Behind This Blog 💻

So, why this blog? Well, it’s simple. I want to share what I’ve accomplished in my career, in AI, in software engineering – and maybe some other areas too. 🚀

But here’s the thing: this isn’t going to be a blog where I show you how to do things or preach about the future of AI (though, who knows, maybe a little bit of that 😉). Instead, it’s going to be a place where I share what I’m learning, what I’m building, and who I’m building it with. And hey, I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and recommendations along the way. Don’t hesitate! 😊

Why Now? 🤷

You know, I just realized that I never really took the time to properly introduce this blog or explain what it’s all about. Better late than never, right? 😁 So, here it is! 🎉

How It’s Built 🛠️

For all the techies out there, I’m using Quarto, and it’s deployed with GitHub Pages. I wanted to keep things simple but also have the flexibility to share code. Quarto’s been perfect for that – super interesting and easy to get the hang of. 👍

What Else? 🧐

Oh, and one more thing – I’ve added a page to showcase all the projects I’m working on, both finished and in progress. I’ll be publishing articles explaining them, sharing why I find them interesting, and how they’re coming along. Stay tuned! 🚧

Got any comments or ideas on how I can improve? I’m all ears! 👂 I’ll be updating regularly on my progress and any news, so keep an eye out for more.

And hey, I speak French too! Je peux bien parler en français qu’en anglais, permettez-moi ce petit écart 😉.

Ok, Time to Say Goodbye 👋

That’s all for now, folks! See you soon, and take care! Love you all! 💖

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