Personal works and other stuffs

I want to share what I’ve accomplished as projects, in AI, in software engineering – and maybe some other areas too. 🚀


It’s been a while since I started my journey into AI. Here are some of the projects I’ve worked on:

and it’s just the beginning! 🚀

In software engineering

Before starting my master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence, I worked on a lot of projects in software engineering. Here are some of them that I found interesting:

  • A blog using Vue.js: I built a blog using Vue.js, SemanticUi, NodeJs, ExpressJs and MongoDB. It was a fun project that helped me learn more about all these technologies. I built a frontend and a backend for this project.

  • I tried to clone Trello 😅: I tried to build a Trello clone using React and Laravel. It was a fun project that I didn’t finish but I learned a lot about React and Laravel and how to setup live messaging between frontend and backend using Laravel Echo.

  • Larangular: a Laravel and Angular project: I built an invoice app using Laravel and Angular. The idea is to have a sample app where for an order, you add a list of the articles, and you generate an invoice. You can also export the invoice as a PDF. The backend is built using Laravel and all of them is under same repository. Bad practice, I know, but it was a fun project :D

  • mytodoapp: a todo app using React: I built a sample todo app using React. It was my first project on my web development journey. I learned a lot about React, Git and how to deploy a React app on GitHub pages.

and a lot more you can find on my GitHub. 🌟

Found this interesting?

Let me know if you have any comments or ideas on how I can improve. I’m all ears! 👂 I’ll be updating regularly on my progress and any news, so keep an eye out for more. Thank you for reading! 💖

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